5 Educational Health Games for Students

It is important to engage students in health and wellness education through dynamic methods. A review game is an excellent tool for reinforcing knowledge and making learning enjoyable. By turning health concepts into interactive and competitive activities, students can absorb information more effectively and develop a practical understanding of how to apply these concepts in their daily lives. Below, we explore five educational health games for various age groups. Each game is designed to review students’ knowledge through exciting gameplay, helping educators create a lively and informative classroom experience.

1. Nutrition Quest

Grade Level: 3-5

Materials Needed:

Food item cards, “Nutrition Facts” labels, game board (similar to Monopoly board), dice

Game Description:

In Nutrition Quest, students move around a game board similar to Monopoly but themed around food groups and nutrition. Each player starts with a shopping basket (a list where they can add food item cards they collect). Players roll dice to move and land on different spots that require them to pick a food item card, answer a nutrition question correctly, or even do a physical activity.


  • Each food item card has a “Nutrition Fact” label. When a player collects a card, they must read out the nutrition facts to the group.
  • Special spots like ‘Quiz’ or ‘Exercise’ make the gameplay interactive. Failing a quiz might mean missing a turn or putting back a food item.
  • The aim is to complete the game with a balanced basket of food items representing all food groups.
  • The game ends when all players have made it around the board at least once. The winner is determined by who has the most balanced and healthy food basket according to the “MyPlate” guidelines.

2. Germ Tag

Grade Level: K-2

Materials Needed: None

Game Description:

Germ Tag is a simple variation of the classic game tag, which helps young children understand how germs spread and the importance of cleanliness. One student is ‘It’, representing a germ, and they must try to tag other players.


  • When ‘It’ tags another player, they shout out a way germs can be spread (like coughing, sneezing, or touching dirty surfaces).
  • Tagged students must freeze and perform a ‘cleaning’ action (like pretend hand washing) for five seconds before rejoining the game.
  • The game encourages continuous movement and interaction, helping kids learn hygiene practices in a fun way.
  • After several rounds, discuss the importance of hand washing and other hygiene practices to prevent the spread of germs.

3. Heart Rate Rally

Grade Level: 6-8

Materials Needed: Heart rate monitors or a method to measure pulse, stopwatch

Game Description:

Heart Rate Rally involves students participating in various physical activities to learn about heart rate, exercise, and cardiovascular health.


  • Students wear heart rate monitors or learn to measure their own pulse.
  • The game involves short bursts of activity (like jumping jacks, running on the spot) followed by a rest period where students check and record their heart rates.
  • The objective is to see how different activities affect heart rate and to understand what it means to reach target heart rate zones.
  • Discussions follow about how exercise benefits heart health and the importance of staying active.

4. Safety Scenario

Grade Level: 9-12

Materials Needed: Scenario cards, role-play props (optional)

Game Description:

Safety Scenario is a role-playing game where students act out different health and safety scenarios to understand the importance of making safe choices.


  • Students draw scenario cards that describe various health and safety situations (e.g., encountering a wild animal, finding broken glass at the playground).
  • They must discuss and role-play the best action to take in each scenario, promoting problem-solving and decision-making skills.
  • Feedback is given after each role-play to discuss what was done well and what could be improved.
  • The goal is to prepare students for real-life situations by thinking quickly and acting safely.

5. FitQuest

Grade Level: All ages

Materials Needed: Activity cards, timer, space for physical activity

Game Description:

FitQuest encourages simple fitness through a series of activity challenges designed to be inclusive and adaptable for various fitness levels.


  • Players draw activity cards that outline specific physical challenges (e.g., hold a plank for 30 seconds, perform ten squats).
  • Challenges are timed, and students must complete as many as possible within the time limit.
  • Points are awarded based on the number of successfully completed challenges.
  • The game aims to promote physical fitness while fostering a spirit of healthy competition and teamwork among students.
  • These games offer diverse ways to engage students with important health concepts through interactive and fun activities.